
Facebook, iframe app, fb:request-form, action attribute problem

Hi all, I'm making a facebook iframe application I'm making a request form with my own form data. What should I do in order to process the data? If I put action="[appName]/abc.php" , i.e. <fb:serverfbml> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:fbml> <fb:request-form action="[appName]/abc....

fb:serverfbml not rendering in ie7

I'm writing a Facebook iframe/Facebook Connect application and one of the pages includes a multi-friend-selector. It renders perfectly in every browser I tried (FF/Mac, Safari/Mac, IE8/Win) but does not render at all in IE7/Win. I waited and waited (in case it was just being slow) and it never appeared. Here's my code. <fb:serverfbml s...

FBML and HTMLParser error

The below code: <html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>FB Test</title> </head> <body> <a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.inviteConnectUsers();">Test</a> <fb:serverfbml style="width: 350px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> ...

FBML is not rendered in Facebook App in iframe - please help

I'm developing an Facebook Application in PHP. It's loaded as an iframe and not as FBML. The normal interaction with Facebook works. For example the following code gives the username: $facebook = new Facebook($config->appapikey, $config->appsecret); $user_id = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email'); echo $user->name; ...

Facebook API friends_get is extremely slow

I have a PHP application running in iFrame mode. I am rendering an <fb:multi-friend-selector condensed="true"> inside of <fb:serverfbml> tags. This is inside a PHP file that calls a function that gets a list of user IDs using $facebook->api_client->friends_get();. The multi-friend selector renders just fine, but, when I leave the frie...

Facebook multi-friend-selector + new javascript API = BROKEN ?

I am using the fb:serverfbml tag to render a multi-friend-selector inside an IFrame. I am using the new javascript API. I have been trying ALL DAY to get it working. When I click on the underlines 'selected' link (to filter by the selected friends) the whole page refreshes and the selected friends disappear. Does the multi-friend-sele...

Action in fb:request form is always null

Hi, UPDATE: this has just started happening again, would appreciate any help. I am using server fbml to render an Invite Friends iframe and it was working fine up until two days ago. Basically, after submitting the form, a java action should be invoked where I get all the id's of the user's invited. However, I now notice that an "invi...

Error while trying to retrive the username in an iFrame facebook application

hi, I am developing a facebook application with iFrame render method. So in order to display my name, I used serverfbml tags. This is my code: <fb:serverfbml style="width: 760px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:fbml> <fb:name uid='$user_id' useyou='false'></fb:name> </fb:fbml> </script> </fb:serverf...

javascript validation inside of fb:serverfbml block

I am trying validate input from a multi-friend-selector that I have embedded like so: <fb:serverFbml> <script type="text/fbml"> <form action="" method="POST" onsubmit="return validate(this);"> <fb:multi-friend-input name="hidden"/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/...