I have an array of paths, array = [ 'a.txt', 'b/a.txt', 'a/a.txt', 'a/z/a.txt' ]
I need to create a tree structure (for the jTree plugin), but it has to be sorted by folders first (alphabetically) and then leafs (alphabetically too).
A sorted tree structure with the above example would look like this:
- a
- z
- a.txt
- a.txt
- z
- b
- a.txt
- a.txt
EDIT: Im looking to build a Tree of HTML ordered lists and list items, where each node is a LI and if its a folder it has another UL as a sibling. This is one of the formats the jTree plugin takes as input. Structure for above example:
<li class="folder">a</li>
<li class="folder">z</li>
<li class="leaf">a.txt</li>
<li class="folder">b</li>
<li class="leaf">a.txt</li>
<li class="leaf">a.txt</li>
This will build the tree structure as a hash tree:
array = ["home", "about", "about/history", "about/company", "about/history/part1", "about/history/part2"]
auto_hash = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = Hash.new &h.default_proc }
array.each{ |path|
sub = auto_hash
path.split( "/" ).each{ |dir| sub[dir]; sub = sub[dir] }