My question is : how to move beyond writing a custom implementation of a technique for databinding multiple controls (controls without built-in DataSource properties), for each possible type of data, to simple properties ... as described and demonstrated in code that follows ... to achieve a more poweful solution that will be independent of whether the binding is to a string, or an int, or other types.
My guess is: this will involve reflection; but, I'm stuck at that point. I'm looking for strategic advice on which "direction" to move next, hints, clues, not a complete code answer, but of course I appreciate all responses, and I'll sure study code if you post code in reply ! Marc Clifton's 2005 article on CodeProject Simple Databinding: appears to demonstrate a reflection based approach: but, honestly, I do not really grok his code, and, in terms of .NET, 2005 is a long time ago.
Background: Partly in response to various SO questions and answers, like: Update Usercontrol on Three Forms: I've evolved a successful technique for databinding text properties of various controls simultaneously to one source defined in a Public class; also been able to "abstract" some of the details of the binding process using a static class that defines one extension method, and two public methods.
I've verifed that TextBoxes on Controls in a "MainForm," TextBoxes on a UserControl on the MainForm, and a TextBox on a second Form opened "independently" (i.e., form2.Parent == null) all update properly (i.e., two-way binding is in effect) from the "DataSource equivalent" public class. Change one: change all.
Code: an instance of this class will supply the target property (theText) for databinding:
public class TextDataBinder
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _theText;
public string theText
get { return _theText; }
// note : if 'setter is declared 'internal : blocks
// auto-updating when run-time user modifies consumers
// but will still allow update via code
_theText = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("theText"));
protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, e);
Code: this static class enables hiding some of the binding process complexity, and allows easy binding to multiple controls:
public static class TextBindingExtender
public static TextDataBinder CurrentDataSource;
public static void SetCurrentDataSource(TextDataBinder newCurrentDataSource)
CurrentDataSource = newCurrentDataSource;
// extension method for Control
public static void AddTextBinding(this Control theControl, string controlPropertyName, string targetPropertyName)
theControl.DataBindings.Add(controlPropertyName, CurrentDataSource, targetPropertyName, false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
// bind to all Controls in a List<Control>
public static void AddTextBindings(List<Control> theControls, string controlPropertyName, string targetPropertyName)
foreach (Control theControl in theControls)
theControl.AddTextBinding(controlPropertyName, targetPropertyName);
How the above classes are used (in a Form Load event) :
// create a new TextDataBinder
TextBindingExtender.CurrentDataSource = new TextDataBinder();
// bind to multiple textboxes, label, on a UserControl, on another Form, etc.
TextBindingExtender.AddTextBindings(new List<Control> { textBox1, textBox2, userControl11.tb, label1, instanceOfForm2.tb }, "Text", "theText");
// test assigning some initial text to the bound property
TextBindingExtender.CurrentDataSource.theText = "some initial text";