in the above link, example coding provided "Real example (PHP): " passing variable to how to work with? convert to code how to use in <'?php XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?> tag?
in the above link, example coding provided "Real example (PHP): " passing variable to how to work with? convert to code how to use in <'?php XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?> tag?
The following would work:
<fb:js-string var="<?php echo $article['article_id'] ?>">
Do you really want to delete article <?php echo $article['article_id'] ?>?<br /><br /> Associated contributors to this article will remain credited.
<a href="#" onclick="removeArticle(<?php echo $article['article_id'] ?>)">Delete Article</a><span id="removeSpan<?php echo $article['article_id'] ?>"></span>
function removeArticle(articleId) {
var dialog = new Dialog(Dialog.DIALOG_CONTEXTUAL);
dialog.showChoice('Confirm Removal', articles["id"+articleId], 'Yes', 'Cancel');
dialog.onconfirm = function() {
Good luck!