




the WSHTTP Binding for WCF supports Reliable Session Properties. In there I noticed a boolean property which allows you to turn off / on ordering.

The property description is as follows:

Ordered: A boolean value that specifies whether messages are guaranteed to arrive in the order they were sent.

I'm a bit baffled by this property, surely you would want ordered to always be true? Or am I missing the point, can someone give a business case example of when ordered should be set to false.


+1  A: 

When the processing can only start after all messages have arrived, than it seems more logic to set the ordering to "false", this avoids that messages should be resended ....

Tim Mahy
+2  A: 

If each message is self-contained and does not depend on the messages either before or after it; or if each message contains ordering information that can be used to ensure that it is acted upon in the proper order; and if the network is sufficiently unreliable that there may be a significant delay due to messages arriving out of order; then setting ordering to "false" may make sense.

John Saunders