



Inspired from the other community wikis, I'm interested in hearing about the lesser known Kohana tips, tricks and features.

  • Please, include only one tip per answer.
  • Add Kohana versions if necessary.

This a community wiki.

+1  A: 

Checking for an internal request (Kohana 3)

if (Request::instance() !== $this->request)
    print 'Internal called made with Request::factory';
The Pixel Developer
+5  A: 

Adding additional data to pivot tables using ORM (Kohana 3)

ORM's add function accepts a third parameter where you can specify additional data to be saved on the pivot table.

For example, if a User has_many Roles and a Role has_many Users (through a table named roles_users), you can save information to the date_role_added column on that table:

$user->add('role', $role, array('date_role_added' => $today_date));
Learnt something new already. Thank You.
The Pixel Developer
you can also do that by defining $_created_column in the model :)
+3  A: 

Show last query executed (Kohana 3)

echo Database::instance()->last_query

Taken from this question.

+5  A: 

The difference between this->request->route->uri() and this->request->uri() (Kohana 3)

// Current URI = welcome/test/5 
// Using default route ":controller/:action/:id"

// This returns "welcome/test/5"
echo $this->request->uri(); 

// This returns "welcome/test1/5"
echo $this->request->uri(array( 'action' => 'test1' )); 

// This returns "welcome/index"
echo $this->request->route->uri();

// This returns "welcome/test1"
echo $this->request->route->uri(array( 'action' => 'test1' ));

As you can see, $this->request->route->uri() uses current route defaults (id is null), while $this->request->uri() applies current uri segments.

+2  A: 

Maintainable routes

Instead of writing a link like so

<a href="<?php echo URL::base(); ?>hello/path/somearg/">link</a>

You can call the route by name (from bootstrap.php) and echo the link.

<a href="<?php echo URL::base() . Route::get('route_name')->uri(array('arg' => 'somearg')); ?>">link</a>

And here would be the route in application/bootstrap.php for reference

Route::set('route_name', 'hello/path/<arg>')
    'controller' => 'home',
    'action' => 'index'
perhaps another idea: URL::site(Route::get('route_name')->uri(array('controller' => 'somecontroller', 'arg' => 'somearg')));
Or perhaps `Route::url('route_name', array('param' => 'value'));`I'd also recommend passing the links to your view rather than expect the view to make them - helps keep logic out of the view.
+6  A: 

Generating Form::select() options from database resultset

$options = ORM::factory('model')

$select = Form::select('select_name',$options,$val);

If you want to add a 0 value option, do:

$options = Arr::merge(array(0 => 'Select some option'), $options);


$options = array(0 => 'Select some option') + $options;
+1  A: 

Detect ajax request and deactivate autorendering

// Somewhere in your controller before-method
$isAjax = preg_match("/ajax/", $this->request->action);
if($isAjax) {
    if(!Request::is_ajax()) {
        die("Not allowed.");

    $this->autoRender = false;

   // Some ajax action-method
    public function action_ajaxDoSth()
       // return json or do sth. else
It is probably better to use `Request::is_ajax()`, rather than a site specific regex. `is_ajax()` checks "the X-Requested-With HTTP request header that most popular JS frameworks now set for AJAX calls." and is available in both KO2 and KO3.
you're right, sorry
Actually, isn't that `Request::$is_ajax` ?