



I am looking for a reliable P2P framework or library, preferrably natively written in C#, but can also work with something C# can interface with. Have you came across or have worked with a solid one?

+3  A: 

Have you looked into the Peer-to-Peer capabilities in the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)?

Yes @casperOne thank you - the reason I am asking is because WCF is missing key issues, although it would definitely be a framework. I was looking for a framework that would take into consideration overlays and routing mechanisms as well, and WCF seems to leave them for the "next levels".
Etamar L.
@Etamar L.: You should point out in the question where WCF is deficient, so others can expand on those points if there is a solution.
+3  A: 

Take a look at this link:

Brunet: a remarkably great P2P library

Brunet is a Free Software (GPL licensed) library for P2P networking written in C# and developed using Mono, but it also runs on Microsoft’s .Net platform.

Leniel Macaferi
Good call Leniel! Thanks. I am concerned about the GPL though, since it means I cannot build anything commercial using it. But it's a good start for a simulator.
Etamar L.