I've just upgraded from MRI-1.8.7 to MRI-1.9.1 and heard about this lighthouse ticket which indicates that Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 2.3.x won't play nicely together when a user enters any kind of non-ASCII standard character (i.e. å é Ã Ø å ल) unless rails is patched.
My problem is that I CAN'T reproduce the bug.
I've tried everything. I've entered every single character I can into my db and the app stays cool.
But because the ticket is still open I'm wondering whether or not I should be concerned about this issue.
So can anyone tell me what conditions must exist in order for this issue to arise? Should I be worried about it? Are there any other Ruby 1.9.1 users who know anything about this?
FWIW: App runs on Heroku, Ruby 1.9.1, gems 1.3.6, rails 2.3.5 and Postgrs. I don't use Il8n in any way.
Thanks in advance,