



I am looking for a free Richtext editor that functions like the TinyMCE editor but for a winforms app

The most important part is that it must implement a editor toolbar so that the user does not need to learn a markup language

+1  A: 

What you're talking about has been around for a looong time.

I found an old, free control on softpedia. It doesn't install into the VS2008 toolbox, but you can do that manually, or configure Visual Studio to make it happen automagically.

Here's a look at the designer experience. Looks like Word 2000, probably because of the time it was published.

alt text

Craig Andera posted one in 2004, too. Haven't tried it, and haven't seen a picture of it.

DevExpress has a commercial one.

There are many, many others.

Have a look at the first line of my question i am looking for something that is free , I already know of and use DevExpress , but I cant justify the cost for one control