In my rails application I have a helper function:
def render_page( permalink )
page = Page.find_by_permalink( permalink )
content_tag( :h3, page.title ) + inline_render( page.body )
If I called the page "home" with:
<%= render_page :home %>
and "home" page's body was:
bla bla
<%= render_page :about %>
<%= render_page :contact %>
I would get "home" page, with "about" and "contact", it's nice and simple... right up to where someone goes and changes the "home" page's content to:
bla bla
<%= render_page :home %>
<%= render_page :about %>
<%= render_page :contact %>
which will result in a infinite loop ( a segment fault on webrick )...
How would I change the helper function to something that won't fall into this trap?
My first attempt was along the lines of:
@@list = []
def render_page( permalink )
unless @@list.include?(permalink)
@@list += [ permalink ]
page = Page.find_by_permalink
result = content_tag( :h3, page.title ) + inline_render( page.body )
@@list -= [ permalink ]
return result
content_tag :b, "this page is already being rendered"
which worked on my development environment, but bombed out in production...
any suggestions?
Thank You