I want to be able to drag and drag App model which is nested under Category model.
Here's the Railscast I've tried to follow.
#Category controller
def move
params[:apps].each_with_index do |id, index|
Category.last.apps.update(['position=?', index+1], ['id=?', Category.last.id])
render :nothing => true
I'm able to sort Categories with something similar, but since I'm updating an attribute, I'm having trouble. This is how I sort the Categories list.
def sort
params[:categories].each_with_index do |id, index|
Category.update_all(['position=?', index+1], ['id=?', id])
render :nothing => true
Upon further inspection, what I need is to be able to update all apps at the same time, except I can't just do App.update_all, since App is an attribute of category.
I tried using
@category = Category.find(params[:id])
@app = @category.apps.all
But, I'm not passing in the Category id, so it doesn't know which Category it is.
Here it is in my view
- for app in @category.apps
- content_tag_for :li, app do
= h app.title
= sortable_element("apps", :url => move_categories_path, :handle => "handle")
Any help is appreciated.