How i can convert number 20020415 to date 15.04.2002. I am working in Microsoft Excel 2003?
How i can convert number 20020415 to date 15.04.2002. I am working in Microsoft Excel 2003?
Let cell A1 contains the text 20020415.
=CONCATENATE(RIGHT(A1, 2), ".", MID(A1,5,2), ".", LEFT(A1, 4))
will produce 15.04.2002.
Afterward, if you want to store the value and not the formula you can copy and paste the value only.
Note: this method still keeps the date as text.
If A1 contains a number instead of text, you can use this:
This can then be formatted using Excel formatting options.
If your numbers are always in the same format (i.e. yyyymmdd) then use Excel's Date
function to convert your number to a date:
For example, assuming date 20020415 is in cell A1, then in cell B1 use:
This will make sure your number is of a date format which will make it easier to use in the future if you want to treat it like a date.
Then, using Format > Cells, select 'Date' and select the appropriate formatting option (in your case 15.04.2002).
As an aside, you can access the 'Format Cells' dialog box using the shortcut keys CTRL+1. I find this a highly useful shortcut to know.