how can I match all characters between 2 characters, say " "
from sdfsf " 12asdf " sdf
I get only 12asdf
how can I match all characters between 2 characters, say " "
from sdfsf " 12asdf " sdf
I get only 12asdf
You can the following to get everything between " "
, including the leading and trailing white spaces:
If you want to capture everything between the " " excluding the leading and trailing white spaces you can do:
You can use preg_match(/"([^"]*)"/,$input,$matches); $matches[1] will have what you want.
I suggest you use
This will match only what is between the quotes (not the quotes themselves) and also handle escaped quotes inside your string correctly.
So in "She said, \"Hi!\""
, it will match She said, \"Hi!\"
If you're using JavaScript or Ruby (which you didn't mention) and therefore can't use lookbehind, use
and work with the capturing group no. 1.