



I'd like something like a generic, re-usable getPosition() method that will tell me the number of bytes read from the starting point of the stream. Ideally, I would prefer this to work with all InputStreams, so that I don't have to wrap each and every one of them as I get them from disparate sources.

Does such a beast exist? If not, can anyone recommend an existing implementation of a counting InputStream?

+2  A: 

No. InputStream is intended to handle potentially infinite amounts of data, so a counter would get in the way. In addition to wrapping them all, you might be able to do something with aspects.

+7  A: 

You'll need to follow the Decorator pattern established in to implement this.

Let's give it a try here:


public final class PositionInputStream
  extends FilterInputStream

  private long pos = 0;

  private long mark = 0;

  public PositionInputStream(InputStream in)

   * <p>Get the stream position.</p>
   * <p>Eventually, the position will roll over to a negative number.
   * Reading 1 Tb per second, this would occur after approximately three 
   * months. Applications should account for this possibility in their 
   * design.</p>
   * @return the current stream position.
  public synchronized long getPosition()
    return pos;

  public synchronized int read()
    throws IOException
    int b =;
    if (b >= 0)
      pos += 1;
    return b;

  public synchronized int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
    throws IOException
    int n =, off, len);
    if (n > 0)
      pos += n;
    return n;

  public synchronized long skip(long skip)
    throws IOException
    long n = super.skip(skip);
    if (n > 0)
      pos += n;
    return n;

  public synchronized void mark(int readlimit)
    mark = pos;

  public synchronized void reset()
    throws IOException
    /* A call to reset can still succeed if mark is not supported, but the 
     * resulting stream position is undefined, so it's not allowed here. */
    if (!markSupported())
      throw new IOException("Mark not supported.");
    pos = mark;


The InputStreams are intended to be thread safe, so that accounts for the liberal use of synchronization. I played around with volatile and AtomicLong position variables, but synchronization is probably best because it allows one thread to operate on the stream and query its position without relinquishing the lock.

PositionInputStream is = …
synchronized (is) {;
  pos = is.getPosition();
Decorator pattern is a nice solution for this one, voting it up.One option would be to remove synchronized and document that the implementation is not thread safe. A caller that does read() and then checks the position has to synchronize anyway to achieve usable (atomic) behaviour.
I don't suppose that anyone knows of an implementation of this already extant? It seems like NIH syndrome to reimplement what must be a very common requirement.
Chris R
+2  A: 

Take a look at CountingInputStream in the Commons IO package. They have a pretty good collection of other useful InputStream variants as well.

Joe Liversedge