Hey! I've got a generic package that requires a config file and multiple packages that can provide said config file.
So, to define "myserver", I've got:
Requires: myserver-config
(the config package) myserver-first-config.spec
Name: myserver-first-config
Requires: myserver
Provides: myserver-config
(another config package) myserver-second-config.spec
Name: myserver-second-config
Requires: myserver
Provides: myserver-config
And that's great, but I want to make sure that exactly one of those config packages is installed. So, if I try to install myserver-second-config when myserver-first-config is already installed, I get an error.
Can I just use "Conflicts: myserver-config" in both myserver-{first,second}-config.spec? Can a package conflict with itself? I feel like there's a "proper" way to do this...