it's about RMagick with Ruby On Rails.
I do the following:
image = params[:image]
# params[:image] is the image from the file-form.
name = image.original_filename.scan(/[^\/\\]+/).last
name = dir + t.day.to_s + t.month.to_s + t.year.to_s + t.hour.to_s + t.min.to_s + t.sec.to_s + name
f = File.new(name, "wb")
f.write image
image = Magick::Image.read(name)
image = image.resize_to_fit(200, 250)
f = File.new(name, "wb")
f.write image.to_blob
Do I really need to first save and then change it? And how about changing not only the size, changing also the Filetype? I want a JPG with 60% quality.
What does this error mean?
Magick::ImageMagickError (Improper image header `public/images/avatars/Joern/83201018458ich2_kleiner.png'):
Please help me.
Yours, Joern.