



I downloaded php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.3-vc9.dll, added at the end of PHP.ini the following line:

zend_extension_ts="C:/Program Files/php5/ext/php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.3-vc9.dll"

When I use phpinfo(), xdebug is not loaded.

When I run command "php.exe -m", it not loaded as well.

How can this be resolved?

My configuration: PHP 5.3.1, Apache 2.2.14 with Apache Module, OS: Windows Vista Both php and xdebug are thread safe.

This is somewhat similar with:


I use VC6 dll and fixed configuration:

zend_extension="C:/Program Files/php5/ext/php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.3-vc6.dll"

Still can not find xdebug in phpinfo() output.

+1  A: 

zend_extension_ts is deprecated on >5.3. Try it with zend_extension instead.

Brock Batsell
Thanks, my stupied error :). but it does not help...
+1  A: 

You should probably not use the VC9 version, but the VC6.

For more informations, see the block "Which version do I choose?" in the left-sidebar of which states (quoting) :

If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from you need to use the VC6 versions of PHP

If you are using PHP with IIS you should use the VC9 versions of PHP

Do NOT use VC9 version with binaries

Also, quoting the Installation page of Xdebug's documentation :

From PHP 5.3 onwards, you always need to use zend_extension and not zend_extension_ts.

I used php 5.3.1 by VC9. Now I tried to set up php 5.3.2 by VC6 and apache crashes on startup. PHP 5.3.1 is not available for download any more, strange!I tried dll for VC6 only but it does not help...
From reading the release notes, it appears that Xdebug 2.0.5 has some compatibility issues with PHP 5.3. I realize 2.1.0 is still in beta, but you might try it to see if it fixes whatever is causing the crashing.
Brock Batsell

use zend_extension instead of zend_extension_ts

and look carefuly "Compiler" , "Thread Safety" , "Architecture" and PHP Version parameters in phpinfo()

example my php info say

PHP Version 5.3.1

Compiler MSVC6 (Visual C++ 6.0)

Architecture x86

Thread Safety enabled

so i used Xdebug 2.1.0 / 5.3 VC6 (32 bit)
