I'm sorry if this question has been asked already, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I have a table that stores files as BLOBS. The column that holds the file is an image datatype. I would like to be able to extract the binary data out of the column and turn it in to an actual file. I would ideally like to be able to do this with BCP or management studio if possible.
I have tried BCP, but for some reason when I try and pull out an office document Word thinks it's corrupt. Here's what I've tried so far (obviously the values have been changed to protect the innocent :):
bcp "select document_binary_data from database where id = 12345" queryout "c:\filename.doc" -n -S server -U username -P password
This isn't working though? Any thoughts?
Edit Turns out you don't need the -n native flag. Also, BCP tries to include a 4 byte prefix by default on the image column - you actually want this set to 0.
bcp "select document_binary_data from database where id = 12345" queryout "c:\filename.doc" -S server -U username -P password
Enter the file storage type of field document_binary [image]: Enter prefix-length of field document_binary [4]: 0 Enter length of field document_binary [0]: Enter field terminator [none]: