I'm kind of confused here. Im using a mac trying to develop an opengl game. The Opengl frame work is dynamically linked. So therefore i need to force static or bundle it right? Wait, wait, i read that opengl is on all macs now, yet there's extra stuff u get if u install Xcode.(i have it installed).
Anyways, I want this to work on OSX, without them having to install any libraries. Theres what im including:
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <GLUT/glut.h>
and when i compile i link to opengl and glut: -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT
and I'm doing this all in C instead of Objective-C cause I hate learning objects and learning new syntax
So what do i need to do. (otool says i link to them does that mean i need to bundle it?)
If you want to help me more but there is not enough information please email at [email protected]
All help is greatly appreciated, you all now how frustrating programming can be.