



I am having trouble setting up a pubsub enabled subscriber app using rails. I have currently subscribed to the open hub and am receiving pings to my application's endpoint. (as of now i have created a counter which increments everytime the end point is pinged). But i am not able to understand as to how to extract the raw POST body contents from the POST. I am new to pubsub and am eager to experiment with it. I came across this blog post but it is not language specific.

Source: Joseph Smarr: Implementing PubSubHubbub subscriber support: A step-by-step guide.

Now you’re ready for the pay-out–magically receiving pings from the ether every time the blog you’ve subscribed to has new content! You’ll receive inbound requests to your specified callback URL without any additional query parameters added (i.e. you’ll know it’s a ping and not a verification because there won’t be any hub.mode parameter included). Instead, the new entries of the subscribed feed will be included directly in the POST body of the request, with a request Content-Type of application/atom+xml for ATOM feeds and application/rss+xml for RSS feeds. Depending on your programming language of choice, you’ll need to figure out how to extract the raw POST body contents. For instance, in PHP you would fopen the special filename php://input to read it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

+2  A: 

Try request.raw_post in your controller. See the documentation for request here.
