



I am using the XeTex typesetting system on a Macintosh running Snow Leopard. I would like it to produce a PDF/X file. Is this possible? I am mainly concerned with ensuring the fonts are embedded.

+1  A: 

Yes, you should be able to, using the PDFX package. But you should realize that there is much more to the PDF/X spec than just embedding fonts. The PDFX package can be had here:

Otherwise, produce your PDF with embedded fonts, then try and print the PDF to another PDF using OS X's print dialog, and save as PDF/X-3.

Thank you for your answer, but will this work with XeTeX? The link you provide states it will only work with PDFTeX.
Richard Hoskins
I don't see why it wouldn't work for XeTeX. Have you tried it?
Yes, I have. I get an error typesetting the included sample document. "[...] (/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfx/pdfx.sty! Undefined control sequence.l.39 \pdfminorversion =4"
Richard Hoskins
I also want to note that the first line in the "Limitations" section of the PDFX documentation states that "pdfx.sty works only with PDFTEX."
Richard Hoskins
hmm. have you tried with pdflatex? that will tell if your setup is right... Going the path of least resistance, what fonts are you trying to use? And are those fonts available within LaTeX?
And further, which tex distribution are you using? is it up to date?
I am using an up-to-date MacTeX-2009 Distribution. The sample .tex file in PDFX typesets correctly using pdflatex. I don't know the font it used. I must reiterate that the PDFX documentation states that it can only be used with PDFTeX. Do you have a reason to believe the documentation is wrong on this point? Thank you again for helping me with this.
Richard Hoskins
I have no reason to believe that the documentation is wrong. I have been researching this exact problem for a while, same tex distribution as you, same OS, and unfortunately, the same result. I should probably mail the xetex and texhax lists for some kind of answer...