



Hi everybody,

I've received a new computer from my employer. This time I don't want to maintain several versions of Visual Studio (although I know they work great side-by-side). Can I work with an ongoing VS2005 project in VS2008? By 'working' I mean the ability to open, modify, and save back to the original format.

Any ideas?

+2  A: 

You can't do this without editing the .csproj files. You'll need to change the "ToolsVersion" attribute in the project header.

John Saunders
Maybe there's some kind of an add-on to export to a previous version?
Not that I've ever heard of. Why do you need both versions? VS2008 can target .NET 2.0.
John Saunders
Because I cannot convince my foreign colleagues to switch to VS2008. Stupid, I know
@Kerido: maybe they'll switch to 2008 in a month when 2010 comes out. They'd do better to take the chance to try VS2010 for free, right now.
John Saunders

You can maintain to csproj files, when opening in VS2008 it will convert it. Make sure you have a backup.

Dustin Laine
This is not an option, because whenever I modify the converted VS2008 version, the two project files are no more in sync.
Then @John Saunders is your only option.
Dustin Laine

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