



Hello all:

I was wondering what options are available for Python 3.x? I know Tkinter is available as well as qt, but what about the other libraries? Any word on when some of them may be ported over to 3.x?

+1  A: 

I have heard really good things about WxWidgets or wxpython but cant find any word when its going to be compatible. I always liked QT.

I've had a positive experience with wxpython
+1  A: 

As you can read in the newsgroups of wxPython, people ary trying to port it to Python 3.x but it will take a while.

There are also plans to port PyGTK (see the bug report).

In any case, these ports will take (at least) months, I guess, so you should stick with PyQT or tkinter for the time being. Or with Python 2.6.

+2  A: 

Several recent versions of PyQt support Python 3 (I'm pointing to the PyPi entry, which is for PyQt 4.6, but there's also a more recent PyQt 4.7). I haven't personally tried out PyQt with Python 3, but PyQt's long been an excellent GUI toolkit so I have no reason to doubt the claim.

Alex Martelli