



I am having trouble getting the Android Development Tools to install. I overcame one error involving the GEF. I now have a new error.

Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846 ( 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found

I am running Kubuntu 9.10 and Eclipse 3.5. I have managed to get the Android DDMS to install. But I keep running into blocks with the Development Tools. I have the Android SDK installed.

What do I need to do in order get the missing component?


I don't really understand where you are stuck in the procedure, but you can have a look here and check if you have all steps completed. maybe it will help...

I'm stuck in a place I shouldn't be stuck. I've added the download url in eclipse. It shows the 2 packages I need, but keeps failing on the dev tools package. I had an error that the eclipse graphical exchange format or something like that was missing. Found answer here, was a missing eclipse package, now I appear to have another missing package, but cannot figure out where it exists on the eclipse site. I installed eclipse from the ubuntu repository, should I have installed direct from eclipse?
I don't know I very new on linux...I'd say have a try downloading the last version of Eclipse on the website, and try again if it works...

I never use Eclipse classic as ADt requires wst..install eclipse j2ee or modeling to fix missing components

Fred Grott

I ran into this when I did not precisely follow the order of the installation instructions. Delete your eclipse install and reinstall, run update until it doesn't find anything new, then install the android plugin checking the box that says to search all sites for required packages. It should clean it right up. You'll still need to do all the configuration in the instructions for installation.

+4  A: 

Ran into the same problem, and after a bit of searching, I found this:

It looks like fedora ships with the official eclipse repository disabled by default. (was true for me on fedora 12 64bit) You need to go to Help->Install New Software, click on the "Available Software Sites" link, find the official repository in the list, and enable it.

+1 I had the same problem and this was the solution
Graphics Noob

You should check this link text
