




I have a simple JSF datatable, which currently has four columns, one header row and (with current data) three data rows.

I have to add three extra columns; that part's easy.
I also want to add another header row before the existing header row with headers that span a subset of the columns.

The desired result is something like:
Column 1: first row empty; header on second row.
Columns 2-4: first row header spans 3 columns; second row has individual column headers.
Columns 5-7: first row header spans 3 columns; second row has individual column headers.

Is this possible? If so, how do I do it?

Following are images showing what it should look like.

  1. This is the data table before I've changed anything.
    Table Example 1

  2. This is the data table after I've added three columns. I was able to do this easily.
    Table Example 1

  3. This shows the desired end result, which I can't figure out. Note the "Retail Sales" and "Fleet/Gov Sales" headers each span three columns.
    Table Example 1


You can't do this with <h:dataTable>. Well, you can with some ugly hacks, like modifying the DOM with javascript and adding the desired columns, but that's not what you should do.

Take a look at RichFaces dataTable - its columns support the colspan attribute.

Yours and Damo's answers both seem to cover it, but I'm not marking an answer until I determine if I can get RichFaces working on Websphere Portal 6.0. I hadn't considered the server software relevant since I thought the h:dataTable was all I had to work with.
Scott Leis

This would be easy if you were using Richfaces (as Bozho mentions) with the breakBefore attribute.

Here's a quick example:

<rich:dataTable value="#{countryCodeListFactory}" var="c">
    <f:facet name="header">
            <rich:column colspan="2">Main</rich:column>
            <rich:column colspan="4">Other Details</rich:column>
            <rich:column breakBefore="true">Country ID</rich:column>
            <rich:column>Flag Path</rich:column>

If you're not then hopefully you're using facelets. Then you can build the table manually using the <ui:repeat>

        <th colspan="2">Main</th>
        <th colspan="4">Details</th>
    <ui:repeat value="#{countryCodeListFactory}" var="c">