I want that find empty tags, here is a example
txt ="<lol1><><lol2>"
rgx = "<([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)>"
print re.findall(rgex, txt)
I get this
['lol1', 'lol2']
I want
['lol1', '', 'lol2']
How I can do this with regex?
I want that find empty tags, here is a example
txt ="<lol1><><lol2>"
rgx = "<([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)>"
print re.findall(rgex, txt)
I get this
['lol1', 'lol2']
I want
['lol1', '', 'lol2']
How I can do this with regex?
Use rgx = "<([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)>"
The key point is using *
, which means "zero or more of the preceding", where you're using +
, which means "one or more".
no need regex
>>> s="txt ="<lol1><><lol2>"
>>> for i in txt.split(">"):
... if "<" in i:
... print i[i.find("<")+1:]
>>> [i[i.find("<")+1:] for i in txt.split(">") if "<" in i ]
['lol1', '', 'lol2']