I want to use bar chart in web application.
I have searched many libraries including google code, and many but many do not support negative values for bar charts.
I want to use bar chart in web application.
I have searched many libraries including google code, and many but many do not support negative values for bar charts.
There are a couple of "hacks" to display negative values with the Google Charts API:
The above chart was generated using: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chd=t:50,50,50,30,50|0,0,0,20,0|20,10,30,0,30&chco=00000000,ff0000,0000ff&chs=200x125&chg=0,51,1,0&chxt=y&chxl=0%3a|-50|0|50
You may want to check the following article for further reading about this workaround:
Open Flash Chart supports them as long as you set the graph scale accordingly, I think.
gRaphaël is also supposed to support them but there was a bug at some point and I don't know if it's fixed.
Flot is more than capable of displaying negative values. Have a look at this example I whipped up.