What is it about fgets()
implementation that makes it so horrible on large files vs fread
To demonstrate, run this code:
$line = str_repeat('HelloWorld', 100000) . "\n";
for($i=0; $i<10000; ++$i)
file_put_contents('myfile', $line, FILE_APPEND);
//now we have roughly a 1gig file
// We'll even let fread go first incase
// the subsequent test would have any caching benefits
$fp = fopen('myfile2','r');
$start = microtime(true);
while (fread($fp,4096));
$end = microtime(true);
print ($end-$start) . " using fread\n";
fseek($fp, 0);
$start = microtime(true);
while (fgets($fp));
$end = microtime(true);
print ($end-$start) . " using fgets\n";