
Lucas, I think you're last two rules are missing a / before the pattern. And also take out [PT] it's not appropriate in this case.

RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$ /index.php?test=1&page=$1&section=$2
RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)$ /index.php?test=1&page=$1 [L]


this didn't do anything for me, thanks!
regular uses of this are working, just not for that directory
+2  A: 

"no werkie" is a little vague... The edit you made to the rules seems fine. Maybe the index.php page is expecting the "test" variable to be present and will crash if it isn't?

Instead of removing the "test" variable from the query string, try just changing "test=1" to "test=0" instead.

Eric Petroelje
no, i get an internal server error of 500
@Lucas - any chance you uploaded the file as binary instead of text? It could be that there are windows line breaks in the file that are breaking the .htaccess file. Apache is pretty picky about those files - one small error and you'll just get 500 errors on every page of the site.
Eric Petroelje
figured it out, thanks!

Sounds like a problem in your index.php file, not .htaccess. What happens when you access index.php without test=1 directly instead of via the rewritten URL? I suspect it's configured to throw a 500 error in that situation.

Dude, chill out with the comments. You can edit them for a while instead of posting a bunch in quick succession, and there's really no need to say things like "oh... hold on..."
dude, lighten up! :)
" there's really no need to say things like 'oh... hold on...' "why not, do you really want me wasting your time when i realize things might be ok on my end?