Hey everyone. I've continuing to learn C++ and I've been set the 'challenge' of converting seconds to format as the Days,Minutes and Seconds.
For example: 31600000 = 365 days, 46 minutes, 40 seconds.
using namespace std;
const int hours_in_day = 24;
const int mins_in_hour = 60;
const int secs_to_min = 60;
long input_seconds;
cin >> input_seconds;
long seconds = input_seconds % secs_to_min;
long minutes = input_seconds / secs_to_min % mins_in_hour;
long days = input_seconds / secs_to_min / mins_in_hour / hours_in_day;
cout << input_seconds << " seconds = "
<< days << " days, "
<< minutes << " minutes, "
<< seconds << " seconds ";
return 0;
It works and comes up with the correct answer but after completing it I looked at how other people had tackled it and theirs was different. I'm wondering If I'm missing something.
Thanks, Dan.