
Is there a way to count the number of seconds since bootup?

Is there a way to count the number of seconds(ticks?) since bootup even if a user change the time on computer? ...

c# datetime to sql with including seconds

hi, i am trying to save (using linq) the date and time to an SQL field (datetime data type) using Datetime.Now but the seconds are not coming through. Does anyone know how to rig that up? Ta. ...

Lat Long to Minutes and Seconds?

Google Maps gives me the Lat and Long of a location in decimal notation like this: 38.203655,-76.113281 How do I convert those to Coords (Degrees, Minutes , Seconds) ...

.NET constant for number of seconds in a day?

Does .NET have a constant for the number of seconds in a day (86400)? ...

How to get seconds since epoch (1/1/1970) in VBA?

How can I get seconds since epoch (1/1/1970) in VBA? ...

Convert seconds to Days, Minutes and Seconds.

Hey everyone. I've continuing to learn C++ and I've been set the 'challenge' of converting seconds to format as the Days,Minutes and Seconds. For example: 31600000 = 365 days, 46 minutes, 40 seconds. using namespace std; const int hours_in_day = 24; const int mins_in_hour = 60; const int secs_to_min = 60; long input_seconds; cin >> in...

UIDatePicker display seconds

Hi, Is there any chance to display seconds in uidatepicker? I don't really see reference for this. ...

Android difference between two dates in seconds

I've tried different methods around the web but couldn't make it work. Cursor cursor = sqlite.myDataBase.rawQuery("SELECT StartDate, EndDate FROM Tracks Where Id="+'"'+trackId+'"',null); SimpleDateFormat outputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date startDate = outputFormat.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getCol...

Ruby/Rails - How to convert seconds to time?

I need to perform the following conversion: 0 -> 12.00AM 1800 -> 12.30AM 3600 -> 01.00AM ... 82800 -> 11.00PM 84600 -> 11.30PM I came up with this: (0..84600).step(1800){|n| puts "#{n.to_s} #{"%I:%M%p")}"} which gives me the wrong time, because expects n to be number of seconds from epoch: 0 ...

big values for strtotime()

I tried echo strtotime('129:00'); but it will have an empty output. This echo strtotime('03:00'); will have 1288339200 as the output. I guess strtotime() won't accept huge values?? What's the alternative for strtotime() that will accept 129:00. ...