





I have a result page loaded with jquery/ajax in a div, when i clicked the details of one of the results it load the details in the div. But now when you hit the back button it doesn't go to the previous results?? Or a simple go back with javascript:history(-1); doesn't work

How can i fix this??

+1  A: 

You can't. The AJAX request is not loading a page. The back button is getting the last page, and javascript:history(-1) is doing the same thing.

Dustin Laine

I think this is not problem because the user is not transfer to new page he still in same page but some data information is updated.

Ramzy Awadh
+3  A: 

You need to actually modify the URL in some way for the browser to pick up the history. Typically, this is done by modifying the anchor text (that is, the stuff after the "#").

Just google for "anchor navigation" for plenty of samples of how to do it.

Dean Harding