




Does there exist a free Windows software program that will help you generate regular expressions using a wizard?

I'm not exactly sure what I am looking for but I am not looking for a regexp evaluator. What I need is a calculator/wizard to help me learn how reg expressions work, while not knowing all the syntax details (until i have the experience of course).

+4  A: 

Expresso is a good free tool. It just needs email registration, but it's free. The developer of that tool also wrote The 30 Minute Regex Tutorial which you can use to follow along. It's included in the help file of Expresso.

RegexBuddy is not free, but seems to have a helpful UI and a cool debugger. Take a look at the demos.

Ahmad Mageed
+1 for regexbuddy
thanks. that was what I am looking for. I like the sample input text it comes with. lots of good stuff to play with. the runner up for me was the gSkinner tool that Ross mentions.
+1  A: 

The Regex Coach won't quite do what you want, but it does have an info panel that explains your regex in plain English and it shows you when you've got a match in your test string.


Googling for "online regex generator" yields a number of interesting links. This one for example. Choose one that best suits you.

That link points to a feature that generates text given a regular expression, for testing purposes, which is sort of the inverse of a tool with which to generate regular expressions.
@brianray: Thanks for pointing that out. That was the wrong link. Updated.
+1  A: 

gSkinner has a good online tool which has a desktop version too.

i like this one a lot. im choosing to use Expresso but this is one that I will bookmark. thanks.

A tool is handy for testing purposes, but if your ultimate goal is to actually learn regex, get Mastering Regular Expressions: the book w.r.t. regex-es.

A good on-line resource is regular-expressions.info.

Bart Kiers

ReguLazy is a neat idea for this sort of thing. It's a pretty simple way to build and test a regex.


Expresso is just the best for me and it's free.....
