I am using jQuery with rails. I am trying to make a PUT request to update a task. The call is made successfully. However, the javascript code returned does not execute. The code is returned alright but it just does not execute.
Here is the jQuery put request i am making.
$("#droppable_<%= bin.id -%>").droppable({
drop: function(event, ui) {
div_ids = ui.draggable.attr('id').split('_');
$.post('/tasks/' + div_ids[div_ids.length - 1], {'task[bin_id]' : '<%= bin.id -%>', _method:'PUT'}, function(data) {
This is the rjs code.
render :update do |page|
page.alert 'success'
page.remove "draggable_#{params[:id]}" if old_bin_id.to_s != params[:task][:bin_id]
page.replace_html "count_#{old_bin_id}", current_user.tasks.bin(old_bin_id).size
page.replace_html "count_#{params[:task][:bin_id]}", current_user.tasks.bin(params[:task][:bin_id]).size
This is what I get on completion of the request.
try {alert("success");jQuery("#draggable_2").remove();jQuery("#count_2").html("");jQuery("#count_3").html("2");} catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('alert(\"success\");\njQuery(\"#draggable_2\").remove();\njQuery(\"#count_2\").html(\"\");\njQuery(\"#count_3\").html(\"2\");'); throw e }
Which is correct but it just does not execute. Any idea why?