Where to find good material to study observer pattern? I need some examples, of code and also pictures of modelled situations
For starters: Observer on Wikipedia. It includes examples in Java, Python and C++, and lots of links.
Here is a C# example & UML diagram.
Péter Török
2010-03-11 12:26:09
it seems good although have aversion to wikipedia. I am from czech republic and czech wikipedia does not have a lot of informations on specialised problems.
2010-03-11 12:28:57
@joseph change to the english version; update the url with en in stead of your country code. But I agree, the default non-english page sucks big time.
2010-03-11 12:32:33
@joseph this is the English version. It has very good information about most known design patterns.
Péter Török
2010-03-11 12:47:24
Head first design patterns is the book for you.
There are loads of pictures in this book.
Here is the code for observer pattern and other patterns (JAVA).
2010-03-11 12:27:03
Here's a nice dzone article about the observer pattern. You may also like Non-software examples of Software Design Patterns.
Yuval F
2010-03-11 12:43:43
Most of the chapter on the Observer pattern from the Design Patterns in Java book can be viewed on Google Books.
Same thing for Head First Design patterns, by the way.
2010-03-11 12:48:32