I need to return a list of counties, but I need to filter out duplicate phone code values. For some reason I'm having trouble with the syntax, can anyone show me how to do this? Should I be using the group by instead?
Group by would work if you need the actual entity.
var query = db.Counties.GroupBy( c => new { c.CountyName, c.PhoneCode } )
.Select( g => g.FirstOrDefault() );
Or if you are constructing it for a view model and only need the data, you could use Distinct. The following creates an anonymous type that could be used to populate the model.
var query = db.Counties.Select( c => new { c.CountyName, c.PhoneCode } )
2010-03-11 12:59:47
Great, the first one did exactly what I was needing, but it's good to know about the second option as well. Thanks for your help!
2010-03-11 13:25:18