



I'm wondering whether I'm recieving the 403 errors because there are too many attempted connections being made to the webservice? If this is the case how do I get around it. I've tried creating a new instance of InternalWebService each time and disposing of the old one but I get the same problem. I've disabled the firewall and the webservice are located locally at the moment. I beginning to think it may be a problem with the credentials but the control tree is populated via the webservice at some stage. If I browse to the webmethods in my browser I can run them all.


static LoginSession()
        g_NavigatorWebService = new InternalWebService();
        g_NavigatorWebService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

    public static InternalWebService NavigatorWebService
            return g_NavigatorWebService;

I have a tree view control which uses the webservice to populate itself . IncidentTreeViewControl.cs

public IncidentTreeView()
        m_WebService    = LoginSession.NavigatorWebService;
public void Populate()
        m_WebService.BeginGetIncidentSummaryByCompany(new AsyncCallback(IncidentSummaryByClientComplete), null);
        m_WebService.BeginGetIncidentSummaryByDepartment(new AsyncCallback(IncidentSummaryByDepartmentComplete), null);
private void IncidentSummaryByClientComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
        MyTypedDataSet data = m_WebService.EndGetIncidentSummaryByCompany(ar); //403

I'm getting the 403 on the last line