I'm trying to bind multiselect to my object. The form is created and the post works and no errors occur when I don't select anything. If I select a language the object gets language value but the form breaks.
HashMap<String, String> languages = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
session.setAttribute("languages", languages);
<@spring.formMultiSelect "advancedSearch.languages", languages, " "/>
AdvancedSearch class has
String languages;
and it gets a value "eng, rus" but the form doesn`t work after it gets a value.
Error message
Problem accessing /opac/advSearch. Reason:
Expected collection or sequence. list evaluated instead to
freemarker.template.SimpleScalar on line 368, column 12 in spring.ftl. Caused by:
Expected collection or sequence. list evaluated instead to freemarker.template.SimpleScalar on line 368, column 12 in spring.ftl. The
problematic instruction:
==> list list as nextInList [on line 368, column 5 in spring.ftl] in user-directive spring.formMultiSelect [on line 59, column 41 in advancedSearchView.ftl]
I think the problem is with the way I save languages. Right now it`s String. I guess I need to hold it some other way. I tried String[] List but can't get things to work.