Hi guys, I have this interface:
public interface InboxQueryResourceTest {
public MultipartOutput query(@PathParam("membershipExternalId") final String membershipExternalId,
@QueryParam("page") @DefaultValue("0") final int page,
@QueryParam("pageSize") @DefaultValue("10") final int pageSize,
@QueryParam("sortProperty") final List<String> sortPropertyList,
@QueryParam("sortReversed") final List<Boolean> sortReversed,
@QueryParam("sortType") final List<String> sortTypeString,
final InstanceQuery instanceQuery) throws IOException;
I have implemented the method to return a MultipartOutput. I am posting an xml query from Fiddler and i receive the result without any problem.
BUT i have done an integration test for the same interface, i send the same objects and i put the response like:
final MultipartOutput multiPartOutput = getClient().query(getUserRestAuth(), 0, 25, null, null, null, instanceQuery);
But here, so from integration tests, i receive a strange error:
Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type multipart/mixed;boundary="74c5b6b4-e820-452d-abea-4c56ffb514bb" and type class org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart.MultipartOutput
Anyone has any ideea why only in integration tests i receive this error?
PS: Some of you will say that i do not send application/xml as ContentType but multipart, which of course is false because the objects are annotated with the required @XmlRootElement etc, otherways neither the POST from Fiddler would work.