



How do I fetch all 'link' entries exept those with an 'url' column that is blank? My controller looks like this:

  def show
    @user = User.find_by_username(params[:username])
    @links = @user.links.all

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # show.html.erb
      format.xml  { render :xml => @links }


Thanks in advance!

Edit #1

If I do:

@links = @user.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')

I get a error:

NoMethodError in UsersController#show 
undefined method `all' for #<User:0x2254f98>

And if I do:

@links = @user.links.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')

I still get all the links, even those with empty url fields...

Edit #2

If I do

@links = User.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')

I get

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in UsersController#show
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: url: SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE (url != NULL) 

And if I do

@links = Link.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')

I still get all the links, even those with empty url fields...

I'm wondering if it's a difference between NULL and the field beeing empty?

Edit #3

Now my code looks like this:

  def show
    @user = User.find_by_username(params[:username])
    @links = @user.links.all(:conditions => "url <> ''")

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # show.html.erb
      format.xml  { render :xml => @links }



@links = @user.links.not_null_url

named_scope :not_null_url, :conditions => "url <> ''"

This works! Just be sure access the links with:

<% @links.each do |link| %>

And not:

<% @user.links.each do |link| %>

General Advice: If your ORM is forcing you to jump through confusing hoops just to execute a simple WHERE clause in SQL, try just using SQL instead.

Somewhere in Rails, there's a simple way to hand it ("select * from users where username like '@username' and url not null", username) as a parameterized query and have it hand you a recordset.

It's trivial in the real world, but your framework is making it hard. Step outside for a second...

Jason Kester
it's trivial using rails framework too
That's what I said, right?
Jason Kester

@user.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')


its not @user, its

User.all(:conditions => 'url != NULL')


Actually i have a doubt. Is "links" a column ins users table or is it a model?


Thy this: @user.links.all(:conditions => {:url => !nil})


Found it! url IS NOT NULL or URL != NULL or anything using NULL won't solve your problem because, as you said, there's a difference between a null and an empty field. The code below worked for me:

@user.links.all(:conditions => "url <> ''")

And as @klew suggested, it would be nicer if you use a named_scope:

named_scope :not_null_url, :conditions => "url <> ''"

Links is a model that belongs_to the user
Alfred Nerstu
ok, i edited my answer based on yours: try `@user.links.all(:conditions => {:url => !nil})`. hope it works.
Still not working :/ Has it something to do with that it's many links and it's always someone of them that got the url field?
Alfred Nerstu
can't believe! it was supposed to work... could you please post how is your code now? :]
Updated my original post with my current code...
Alfred Nerstu
are you still getting all Links? or any errors?
All links... Very strange... But could it have something to do with that it's many links and it's always someone of them that got the url field?
Alfred Nerstu
i'm not sure if i understand what you mean... but there's no problem having links with and without url. i tested the code i post in my third edit and it worked for me...
Could you post the whole show action in your controller?
Alfred Nerstu
it's the same :/
I'm so stupid, I accessed the links with @user.links.each in the view and not @links.each so no matter what condition I used it didn't work ;)
Alfred Nerstu


@links = @user.links.all(:conditions => "url IS NOT NULL")

It would be nicer if you will add it as named_scope in Link model:

named_scope :not_null_url, :conditions => "url IS NOT NULL"

And then in controller:

@links = @user.links.not_null_url