Is there some way to run 2 threads at the same time?
I want to have my app run its current function and then bring up another thread running another function, that can change variables in the first thread.
Is there some way to run 2 threads at the same time?
I want to have my app run its current function and then bring up another thread running another function, that can change variables in the first thread.
Remember that only in JRuby threads are truly parallel (other interpreters implement GIL). From here:
# mutexsyncex.rb
require 'thread' # For Mutex class in Ruby 1.8
# A BankAccount has a name, a checking amount, and a savings amount
class BankAccount
def initialize(name, checking, savings)
@name,@checking,@savings = name,checking,savings
@lock = # For thread safety
# Lock account and transfer money from savings to checking
def transfer_from_savings(x)
@lock.synchronize {
@savings -= x
@checking += x
# Lock account and report current balances
def report
@lock.synchronize {
"#@name\nChecking: #@checking\nSavings: #@savings"
ba ='me', 1, 400)
x = 2 do
x = 3
x = 4
For tru concurency - >=2 cores or >= processors - but it may not work if implementation is single-threaded.
If you want to run two threads at the same time, the entire execution stack has to be capable of doing that. Let's start at the top:
first, I'm gonna answer your question:
thread_1 = do #do something here end
thread_2 = do #do something here end
thread_1.join thread_2.join(timeout_in_seconds)
the Thread#join method makes the main thread to wait until the joined threads finishes, if you specify a timeout in seconds ruby will close the thread once those seconds reached.
Now, the truth, there's no real concurrency in ruby 1.8 with the Matz Ruby Interpreter (MRI) and there's no real concurrency with only one processor though. please read this page =>
The MRI tries to cheat you using what's called Green Threads ( which means that the Ruby interpreter takes care of everything to do with threads, not the OS, the other kind of threads, the ones really concurrent are called native threads and Ruby 1.9 support them through YARV but it doesn't mean that every Ruby thread runs in parallel because YARV has global VM lock (global interpreter lock or GIL) so concurrency is a myth in ruby and it'll be for a long time.