I would like to switch from the debug version of the player to the release without having to uninstall. Is this possible?
Thanks Patrick, but flash switcher seams good at toggling between different versions of flash, not release/debug of the same version. I've tried what Shawn says in a comment:"steps for getting Flash 9 Debug and Flash 10 Debug both working: 1 Installed this addon2 Downloaded, installed Flash 10 Debug version3 Loaded Firefox, saved the Flash 10 version as "Flash 10 Debug"4 Repeat steps 2, 3 to install Flash 9 debugger the same way"The problem for me is that I'm trying to have the flashPlayer 10 release and the same version but debug, (...)
2010-03-12 09:38:31
(...) and the method described just doesn't work as it simple replaces the the current version by the one I install last.
2010-03-12 09:39:23
Flash Switcher is the way to go. You just have to get the .dll files for the debug and release versions.
Matt W
2010-03-12 16:03:38
Hi Matt W, what do you mean by geting the .dll files? I'm working with mac, so no dll files for me as far as I know. Do you have any suggestion?
2010-03-13 19:01:16
Didn't work for me either...
Oscar Godson
2010-10-18 19:35:40