



+3  Q: 

send SMS via SMPP

How do I send SMS directly via SMPP? My provider provides an SMPP interface to send SMS, how do I connect it to it? Are there any libraries or examples that can educate me on using SMPPP to send? Perhaps using PHP? or C#?

+2  A: 

There's the Logica SMPP project, written in Java, that could educate you on the matter. Other than that, there's a list of projects on the SMPP Wikipedia page that could fill a similar purpose.

+1  A: 

I've used a client library from DevShock for a few years, but the company seems to have disappeared from view.

A quick Google turned up this one though:


Seems straightforward enough, and comes with both C# and VB.Net examples as well as some decent documentation.

Hope that helps.

Paul Jenkins

I would suggest Kannel for SMPP but a couple of questions.

Who is your Aggregator? They should offer some assistance for this.

I know OpenMarket does SMPP as well as HTTP with a multiple SDK languages

Phill Pafford