On a website, everything is tagged with keywords assigned by the staff (it's not a community driven site, due to its nature). I am able to determine which tags a user is most active in (or, what tags they view the most). However, I'm not entirely sure how to choose the list. A few options present themselves, but they don't seem right to me.
My options, that I have determined, are:
- Take the top n (or m < n if they have fewer than n viewed tags) tags
- Take the top n tags where n is a percentage of the total tags viewed
- Take the top n tags with m views where n and m are percentages of total tags viewed and total page views
- Take all of the tags, regardless of views
The goal is to identify what is most interesting to the user and show them other things that they might be interested in, with respect to the tags that are assigned to the content.