We all know it - this is the reading that lists the changes brought by each new version of our favorite software. Whenever it comes bundled as a file (Changes.txt, CHANGES, WhatsNew.txt, etc) or is presented within an installer this is usually the first thing we read before installing/updating.
On a current project we have a Changelog.txt file that gets updated by hand every time a notable change occurs. However this often leads to "I forgot to update the changelog". So I am looking for a way to automate this.
I am thinking of a script that extracts the changes from our commit messages (using a convention) and generates the file. For example a commit message like
Updated json-glib to 0.7.6
- Fix crash on Windows
- Fix issues with facebook contacts with very large UIDs.
Would produce the following Changes.txt
Version 1.9.18 (03/10/2010)
- Fix crash on Windows
- Fix issues with facebook contacts with very large UIDs.
Does anyone know a better solution/tool for this or am I going to write my own?