I try to externalize all strings (and other constants) used in any application I write, for many reasons that are probably second-nature to most stack-overflowers, but one thing I would like to have is the ability to automate spell checking of any user-visible strings. This poses a couple problems:
- Not all strings are user-visible, and it's non-trivial to spearate them, and keep that separation in place (but it is possible)
- Most, if not all, string externalization methods I've used involve significant text that will not pass a spell checker such as aspell/ispell (eg: theStrName="some string." and comments)
- Many spellcheckers (once again, aspell/ispell) don't handle many words out of the box (generally technical terms, proper nouns, or just 'new' terminology, like metadata).
How do you incorporate something like this into your build procedures/test suites? It is not feasible to have someone manually spell check all the strings in an application each time they are changed -- and there is no chance that they will all be spelled correctly the first time ;)