I have the following target:
<target name="promptforchoice">
<input addproperty="choice">
Copy the file?. [Y, n]
<condition property="copy.file">
<equals arg1="Y" arg2="${choice}"/>
<equals arg1="y" arg2="${choice}"/>
In another target, I'd like to conditionally copy a file depending on whether or not the copy.file property is set. Is this possible? Is there some other way to accomplish it?
My Solution
Here's what I came up with based on ChrisH's response.
<target name="promptforchoice">
<input addproperty="choice">
Copy the file?. [Y, n]
<condition property="copy.file">
<equals arg1="Y" arg2="${choice}"/>
<equals arg1="y" arg2="${choice}"/>
<target name="copyfile" if="copy.file">
<copy file="file1.cfg" tofile="file2.cfg"/>
<target name="build" depends="promptforchoice">
<antcall target="copyfile"/>
<!-- Other stuff goes here -->