I have a xampp 1.7.3 instance running and a MongoDB 1.2.4 server on the same machine.
I want to connect them, so I basically have been following this tutorial on php.net, it seems to connect but the cursors are always empty. I don't know what am I missing.
Here is the code I am trying. The cursor->valid always says false. thanks
$m = new Mongo(); // connect
try {
} catch (MongoConnectionException $ex) {
echo $ex;
echo "conecta...";
$dbs = $m->listDBs();
if ($dbs == NULL) {
echo $m->lastError();
foreach($dbs as $db) {
echo $db;
$db = $m->selectDB("CDO");
echo "elige bd...";
$col = $db->selectCollection("rep_consulta");
echo "elige col...";
$rangeQuery = array('id' => array( '$gt' => 100));
$col->insert(array('id' => 456745764, 'nombre' => 'cosa'));
$cursor = $col->find()->limit(10);
echo "buscando...";
if ($cursor == NULL) echo 'cursor null';
while($cursor->hasNext()) {
$item = $cursor->current();
echo "en while...";
echo $item["nombre"].'...';
doing this by command line works perfect
use CDO
-- lot of data here