




Hi All,

Below link code causing IE 7 to Crash when link is clicked , when googled it is saying there is bug in IE 7 DO there is any work around for this ?

<a title="FAQ" style="position:relative;right:235px;top:-55px;" target="_blank"   href="http://www.Google.com/ccp/index.jsp?pg_name=shared/help/page/Somahlep_FAQ_hwtp"&gt;READ OUR FAQS</a>

It depends entirely on your point of view.

From the view of a web-developer:

Don't use that code

From the point of view as a user:

Avoid clicking on links in suspicious websites. And, subsequently, report the website to (among others):

If you believe you have encountered an unsafe website, you can report it to Microsoft by clicking the Safety button, and then clicking SmartScreen Filter followed by Report Unsafe Website. When you report an unsafe website, some information will be sent to Microsoft including the address of the site you are reporting, and the usage information described above.

(source: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/privacy.aspx)

David Thomas