




Previously attoparsec was suggested to me for parsing complex binary file formats. While I can find examples of attoparsec parsing HTTP, which is essentially text based, I cannot find an example parsing actual binary, for example, a TCP packet, or image file, or mp3. Can someone post some code or pointer to some code which does this using attoparsec?

+5  A: 

There are few or no examples of attoparsec for parsing binary formats, as parsec-style combinator parsing is mostly for text formats, not binary formats (though there's no good reason for this).

For straight binary parsing, see Data.Binary, examples include:

and the examples in Real World Haskell.

The main example for attoparsec at the moment is an RFC2616 parser (HTTP).

Don Stewart
Appreciate the "no good reason" comment because I don't see why a parser is more suitable for text and less for binary. Seems to me just as reasonable that a binary file can have multiple paths and need backtracking, etc.
Sure, it's just that attoparsec is so new, you'll be pushing out on your own. Just use Data.Binary like everyone else, and you'd be done by now :)
Don Stewart
@Don that link is for the Parsec version, the Attoparsec version is here: http://bitbucket.org/bos/attoparsec/src/tip/examples/RFC2616.hs
Dan Dyer
Combinatorrent has a attoparsec bitstream parser:http://github.com/jlouis/combinatorrent/blob/master/src/Protocol/Wire.hs#L171and the cereal-parser right next to it for your amusement.